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Our Mission

Through pure praise and worship;

Create an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit may move without hindrance, and the Glory of God may fill the temple, and so that each son or daughter may have a real, tangible, and life-changing encounter with God.

Through fasting and prayer;

Bring freedom from all bondage and distraction and be aligned with God so that His perfect will and purpose may be accomplished in each and every life.

Through the Five-Fold Ministry ordained by God;

Be willing, obedient, and yielded vessels that allow the Holy Spirit to speak and perform His perfect work in, too, and through each son or daughter.


Through faithfulness and dedication;

Be and create a place of habitation for the Lord God Almighty.

Services & Meetings
The Main
Intercessory Prayer
Glory Pursuit

Sundays @ 11 AM

Mondays @ 7 PM

Wednesdays @ 7 PM

Make Way for the
King of Glory!

"Who is this King of Glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in."

(Psalms 24: 7-9 KJV)

Our Pastors

Robert and Linda Townsend; following the instruction and direction of God, founded In His Steps Fellowship on January 5th , 2005.


Coming soon!

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Online Giving

If you would like to donate or contribute to the Ministry & Work of God here at In His Steps Fellowship you may do so via Paypal by sending your love offering to:

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